Your precious vehicle has reached the end of its life. Your time together has reached its apex. You wipe the tears and say your goodbyes, but questions remain. What should you do with the mountain of metal and components taking up your garage space? Should you part out your car or junk it?
Overall, there is still money to be had from your junked vehicle. While a main piece may be malfunctioning, causing the car to be immobile (i.e. broken engine, failing electronics, or unrepairable body damage), there are probably still working pieces. Your tires may be close to knew. Your alternator may be functioning and sellable.
But is the effort worth it? Should you just resort to receiving quick cash for your junk vehicle as a whole?
Let’s break it down.
What Is ‘Part Out Your Car’?
As we stated, a junk car doesn’t mean that every piece is inoperable.
It’s possible that your used car has reached its end and is inseparable, but other pieces are still in great condition. Maybe you have expensive rims, a great stereo system, or perfect door panels. Henceforth, someone will be willing to pay for these pieces. If your car is old, you may even find a bigger market. Another owner of your car’s model may be looking for an intact hood or other pieces specific to that vehicle. The rarer, the better.
The concept of parting out your car involves taking out each individual piece and selling it to private buyers.
What Are the Pros?
This may go without saying, but a junked car is not going to net you much profit. Ultimately, a junkyard will pay you for the scrap metal, not what’s inside. Unfortunately, a junk car of higher value will not get more money than a junk car of lower value. A junked Toyota Corolla and a junked BMW will still be the same amount of metal.
Junkyards have no prejudice. They don’t see the make and model of a vehicle, but what it’s made of. Unfortunate for those with expensive cars collecting dust.
Henceforth, selling each part of your junk car will result in more profit. While a junkyard may offer you a base sum, it’s usually non-negotiable. You can ask for certain prices and garner a profit when selling parts privately.
Why watch your car get smashed in a crusher when there are valuable things inside?
Furthermore, if you decide to part out your car, you may be able to help others. There may be a mechanic or car owner struggling to find a certain piece. Rare car parts can be expensive, and fixing them can be even more wallet-breaking. You may be able to help another owner in need with your usable parts rather than scrap them forever.
It’s a win-win. You get paid and someone gets helped.
And the Cons?
Well, there are a lot.
How often do you see random car parts for sale on platforms like Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist? Not often, and there are solid reasons.
Knowledge is Necessary
Firstly, the act of taking out car parts can be an arduous and dangerous project, especially if you are not a mechanic. Taking a car apart can be a hazardous and confusing process if you do not have the required knowledge or tools to unequip certain components. Not only are there sharp metals and plastics, but fluids and other materials that can damage you or your yard if you don’t know how to manage them properly.
Overall, it’s a tough task. If you aren’t a mechanic or don’t have a close mechanic friend, you may be in for an intimidating project. Theoretically, you could pay a mechanic to take out parts or require the customer to take them out themselves, but this is another tough ask.
It’s Unsightly
The process of parting out your vehicle is not a quick one. Consequently, it’s going to take just as much time as effort. If you do not have free garage space (or a garage at all), your junk car will have to be dismantled in your yard.
Depending on your idea of sightly, having a destroyed car in your yard for a long period may be uncomfortable.
Selling Takes Time and Effort
Ever dealt with a private buyer? It can be a hassle.
The private selling marketplace is full of no-shows, hustlers and tire kickers. Some want to negotiate. Some don’t even show up. Ultimately, selling something can be a daunting task, especially if you don’t have an abundance of free time.
People tend to scrap their junk cars because the value of parting them is not worth the time and effort. Sure, you may make a couple of extra bucks by selling belts and pieces, but is it worth the time you spent taking the car apart and dealing with buyers?
If you are lacking in negotiating skills, time, or desirable products, the selling process can be horrid.
What Should You Do?
The first step is to decide what profit is worth the effort. Take the time to research the going prices for your sellable parts. How much are your radios worth? How much does an intact alternator sell for?
Secondly, contact junk car companies to find out how much your car is worth as scrap. After calculating the value of your scrap and the value of your exposable pieces, you should come to a solid conclusion. If the money is not worth the time, you are better off scrapping your junk car.
If the idea of researching part prices and dealing with buyers is already overwhelming, then you may be better off just scrapping it immediately. Deep down, you already know your answer.
Donate Your Junk Car
There’s a third option. You can always donate your vehicle if you are not pressed about getting money for it. Donating your used car not only helps someone in need but also takes the effort off of your shoulders.
Non-profit organizations are always looking for donated cars, even if just scrap. After all, they can take the time to use the parts or put the car back in working order. Then, these cars can be used to help families in need or deliver useful products.
If you are interested, we broke the whole process down here.
Need Help Selling Your Car?
Is this all too much for you? Have you decided to scrap your junk car but want to make the most profit possible? Want to get it off your hands ASAP?
At Sell My Car Colorado, we will offer you $100 more than the competition, guaranteed. With just a click of a button, one of our experienced car dealers will reach out with a reasonable offer. If you accept, then we will pay you immediately and pick up your junk vehicle, free of charge. You don’t have to leave the couch or office.
Junk, broken, or unsightly? We will buy your vehicle. Contact us today!